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Friday, 26 December 2014

SEO Techniques 2015

karvy solutions
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) challenging for every webmaster. How, we give the good result within deadline. This time in whole world have approx millions website. Each & every are working to show on top in search engine like Google, Bing etc.

I am writing some techniques which are more helpful for you.

  • First, see the overview of your website & optimize all error like Meta tag (Title, description, keywords consistency etc.) W3C validity, Etc. because if you optimize your many problems like loading time, page ranks & others are easily solved. For more details of these observe, can contact me on Karvy Solutions.


  • The second step is the submitting your site on the various search engine according to your area, mostly Google is famous. Approximately all search engines provide analytics facility, you must use them & your all updating in your website automatically updated.


  • SEO, without social sites at this time, we can never imaging. Now, mostly users always present in social site through mobile tablet or other gadget. And it is the best way to promote your website also. G+, FB, Twitter and more site where lacks of users active, & ready to boost your campaign. They are also giving the free of charge if you follow the rule & conditions.

Content’s Power: 

  • If you write good of course others are visit & read. All search engines given penalties on duplicacy. So when you posting your content on blog, forum or others than should must active about this otherwise may be your positions not show on search engine…:-)  If you want 100% effective and genuine way to increase your website ranking go through the original content and share on social sites.


Attention is my last point because if you not attention on your website than           never you got #1.  Here I am pointed some attention keys:

  • When you describe your “Title”, “Description” & “Keywords” than you write according to your website and also understand your main keyword cover in your all three category's writing.

  • Must submit the “Do-follow” link. Ignore that website which not provided but where visitors more, like Wikipedia etc than you submit. If PR 1, 2 is given you a do-follow link than its more better than PR9 links. So, keep attention here.

  •  If you posted your content than attention those posted on right category. Its very helpful. If you posted in wrong place or other harmful website than must removed from the help of search engine's webmaster tool like Google webmaster tools and others have also.

  • Beware from spamming because its given good results at a time but in future you never recover easily from penalties.

For more details You can contact me on Karvy solutions-Contacts

Monday, 22 December 2014

Aware, When Are You Using Wordpress Plugin.

Karvy Solutions
Google blacklisted approx 11,000 WordPress domains which are infected from malware, and over 100,000 sites in total have been infected by a new malware campaign from

When using a WordPress plugin RevSlider, SoakSoak modifies a file in a site’s WordPress installation and loads Javascript malware.

RevSlider is often used in WordPress themes, so many site owners may not even know they’re using the plugin, let alone that they need to update it to prevent a malware attack. Moreover, it’s not a plugin that’s easily updated, as Sucuri’s Daniel Cid points out:

Visitors of infected sites may be redirected to a webpage that will attempt to download malware onto their computers. Google’s decision to block infected sites shortly after the vulnerability became known will hopefully prevent the malware from spreading any further.

If you faith your WordPress site has been infected by the SoakSoak malware, there is a list of resources in this WordPress Support thread that can help you correct the problem.
