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Friday, 21 August 2015

Born or End of "Google plus"

It's a mystery or different thing. I am searching some unique for creative minds and  present some stuff in front of you.
Google Plus

Read + Hear = Capacity
Capacity + Practice = Confidence
Confidence + Risk = Invention (Unique Man do = Owner)

Monday, 15 June 2015

What is the URL Shortener?

What are the benefits of the Google URL Shortener

 Why do you use Google URL Shortener link? What are the benefits?
How it's important for small business's owners?

For this, I used Google URL Shortener on some new website and blogs. Which results came, I am surprise! And thank full to Google for its wondering work.
What is Google URL Shortener?

Google URL Shortener Tool launched by Google. After clicking, user will visit to your original link. It means its "Redirection". From this help you can easily share your URL compare to your original URL.

For example: The short url takes people to look good in view. :) status

Many things which I observed. These are:

1. Its help full for Small Business's owners.

Content writing is a powerful concept for promoting your products on internet. For small business’s owners are get this advantage and publish his/her blog on internet. If they create url shortener for links they can easily track locations, devices, references. And it’s also easy to handle. It means you can easy see or track about your targeting place, which sites are most giving reference (you share on social sites or crawl by search engine etc) in which devices more visitors are coming.

2. Get Started with URL Shortener API

How are you started url shortener API? You can read get started. Here each section contains brief description with example and given more links for details. To begin, you should read the section on Authentication.

3. Available on Chrome and WordPress plugin Add-On is also available on Google chrome. From this help you can create short link of current website. It gives all features like History/dashboard, API, support but for this you should must authenticate user. You can also download plugin in your WordPress website.

4. Report Spam

Google is very strict for Spamming. If you found any spamming link (Not used for promoting like many SEO are used short link for his/her blog, website promotion) like phishing, malware website you can report at Report Spam.

5. Help

Google is provided forum groups where the users create group or for join any group. If you have any questions or problems you can share at shortener forum or you visit at for Google Help.

Well, What's your opinion? Please share, I am waiting for your response.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Google Makes Own Work Interesting with New features

Google is a big operator of the search engine and they always make own work interesting with new features.
In this year if we talk about google's features, many experiment like Mobilegeddon, Google Tone, Photo Tool etc done for the internet users.

1. New Photo tool: With this feature, user can easily share updates to other social network like Facebook, Twitter etc..

  In 2012, Facebook had given the business independence within the company for mobile photo sharing to Instagram. Nowadays, It group has around of 300 million users.

So, Its shows, The Fight between "Google v/s Facebook".  :)

2. Google Mobilegeddon : Google launched "Mobilegeddon" in 21st April 2015 for mobile friendly website. Google taken this step, cause increasing number of smartphone users. Presently, approx all websites are turning into responsive, which means website automatically adjust with the devices, and it's good for the mobile users.

  If, your website is not mobile friendly you can check at "mobile-friendly test". Karvysolutions introduced about "Google Mobilegeddon" on 27th Feb 2015 for clients and users from blog. Google is helping People to Find MobileFriendly Websites.

google twitter3. Tweets take flight in the Google app: Google added a new feature for users, it's "Real Time Content" of Twitter where users can easily find the latest update of any Twitter account. For Example, I am searching "Karvysolutions" on the Google app on my phone (you can searching on any browser or tablet).

Wow! I am getting the latest update means real-time content from Twitter in the search results.

4. Google Tone: Google launched a add-on for Google Chrome. With this feature peoples can share own speak.

"Google Tone turns on your computer's microphone (while the extension is
On) and uses your computer's speakers to exchange URLs with nearby
Computers connected to the Internet. You can use Google Tone to send the
URL for any web page, including news stories, pictures, documents, blog
Posts, products, YouTube videos, recipes – even search results".

I think, Google developed this for voice searching on Google App. Now, Google is improves in this voice search and making it for all browser (1st started with Chrome). In coming days, may be this feature use in Gmail and other Google Apps.

5. Nepal Earthquake : Person Finder: Really, Google is working for the humans and how its more better use by each person. Google is different Tech Company from other company, shows his way by Go Google, Science Program and the Person finder application.

    Person finder currently works for Nepal where some day ago Earthquake came. From this way, you can help people find each other in the aftermath of a disaster.

Friday, 15 May 2015

What An Employer Want In A SEO Post?

    Ram Gopal Singh
      Are You Know? When Are You Searching Job In SEO. What an employer want in a seo

      As a SEO Analyst, I am describing some points on Key Role, Responsibilities and Skills needed in a SEO Executive.

    Key Role and Responsibilities:

    • Develop customized and targeted SEO landing page solutions to maximize effectiveness of Search campaigns

    • Monitor and report on metrics such as keyword ranking, effectiveness of site optimization etc.

    • Keep up to date on the latest SEO strategies and technologies and assist in improving by offering solutions

    • Report on key performance indicators and present effectively

    • Improve company's organic search results

    • Write effective headlines, body copy, and websites

    • Ensure websites are filled with optimal keywords

    • Implement off-page SEO content strategies

    • Keep abreast of white hat and black hat tactics so as not to violate search engine guidelines

    • Evaluate product offering, traffic, landing page quality, content, design, demographics of prospective customers when determining keywords and campaigns

    • Implement and administer search engine programs (XML sitemaps, shopping feeds, webmaster tools)

  • Skills Needed: 

    • In-depth knowledge of link building strategies

    • Sound knowledge of Google Penalties and Google Algorithm Fundamentals and CMS handling and maintenance

    • Must have worked on-page SEO factors including keyword research, competitive analysis, content optimization, meta-tag creation, internal link optimization and other SEO related activities

    • Understanding of the technical side of SEO, including information architecture, load time, site structure etc

    • Experience working with popular keyword tools (Google Keyword Planner, WordTracker etc)

    • Experience with website analysis using a variety of analytics tools including Google Analytics as well as internal reporting tools

    These are the Key Role, Responsibilities and Skills Needed which every employer want in a SEO Executive.

     Karvysolutions know about how to establish a brand in world at cheap cost. It is providing web Designing, Web development & internet marketing services in Canada, USA & other countries with successfully.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Google : Changing Algorithm According Human's Activity

Google may be changing algorithm according human's activity. Google is helping users to find mobile friendly websites. Google announces "Mobilegeddon" is coming on 21st April. Rank will drop which website is not mobile friendly. In this time, i saw some movements & changes in Google. I think, Google will keep/joint all algorithms in one place. It will not divide algorithm for mobile & Desktop/Laptop/PC for crawling WebPages.

All owner, changing website into mobile-friendly. Its good because if it affect the ranking then big issue for his/her business revenue. Although, its not tough to converting into mobile friendly. Google always inform through own forum what are they changing. For example: Some day ago, they change in "Transfer, move,or migrate your site". It is about "supports sub-domains".

the latest update

From this update, really some big issue in redirection of domain will solve out.

Presently, Google take approx 90% part of online business  in any form. So, I think its make trust between owners, subscribers like a Parent which involve between brother sister's quarrel and solve(panda, penguin, pigeon, mobile friendly) his/her problem.